What I'm Thinking About Lately.

Very, very surprised and even more honored to be a part of this. Thank you @cassianelwes, @franklinjleonard and @theblcklst for the belief in my script as well as in me.

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Very happy to say that HELP ME UNDERSTAND will be showing tomorrow at Palm Springs International Shortfest as part of their opening night program.

I’m so proud of the film and the people who helped make it.

See you in Palm Springs! Bring water because the comedy is dry as the desert in June. Are there even jokes in this film? It’s anyone’s guess. Only one way to find out.

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Me on the job, the lovely Adam Lisagor at right, and Tarin Anderson killing it on camera. Thank you, Sandwich Video. #femaledirector #femalefilmmakerfriday ...

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Besties doing some feminism. ...

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I’m so, so grateful to be traveling East to get a medical-grade infusion of wisdom, insight, and sage advice as I develop this screenplay. Thank you, @hamptonsfilm @hollihop and @recursive_pictures

#themalethilmmakerthursday ・・・
Introducing the 2018 HIFF Screenwriters Lab participants—Esra Saydam, Anu Valia, and Aemilia Scott—for the first time, all women!

#womeninfilm #hamptons #film #screenwriters #lab

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Me today. #femalefilmmakerfriday @drewwehde @audreyfrancisaf ...

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Director and camera team, Los Angeles episode! #defymedia #changemakers @megankdonnelly @kelsography @montayoo @missfunk79 @breezelee82 ...

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Black voters saved America.

Black organizers saved America.

A Black woman saved America.


83 2

It’s not an exaggeration to say that American Cinematheque has gotten me through some very rough times. The films they show are some of the best I’ve ever seen, and made me the filmmaker I am. Films from the past and from today. From next door and from ten thousand miles away.

To think that the light from my film is shining on the same screen as the light from… well, I won’t think about it. It’s too much.

I’m just very happy to get to see it in a theater that has meant so much to me.

83 5

It happens every time. They think they can break us by waiting until we loose our apartments, lose our cars, lose our footholds. Except middle class actors have been loosing those things for years.

They just poked a nest with 160,000 out of work hornets inside. Let’s see how that plays out for the AMPTP.

I stand in solidarity with the WGA as we step into this generational moment for labor rights. Let’s be a bellwether for other unions in other industries looking to get out from under the boot of corporations motivated by unsustainable greed.

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Me and @tarinanderson! And @lonelysandwich and @sandwichvideo! #femalefilmmakerfriday ...

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Two foolish things that stood only briefly.

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Making funnies today. #wwaeplaysthehits ...

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Oh hey, you made it to the bottom.  You're a reader, and I like that about you.

Here's a little about me in text form.

I'm from Chicago and New York, but now I live in LA.

I came up at Second City, iO and Annoyance writing and performing improv and sketch comedy.

One day, I wrote a 23 page sketch that was more sad than funny, and realized I was making a short film.

I looked around for someone to direct it, and no one would.

My good friends convinced me to direct it myself.

I went to festivals, won some laurels, and made four more films.

And now, here we are together, you and I.